Website Design and Development

Web design and development Dundee is a process that guarantees that your website will function properly and give the best experience to your visitors. It involves analyzing your site’s requirements, developing wireframes and layouts, and designing responsive content for all viewport sizes.

It also includes practices like visual hierarchy, which determines what aesthetic aspects of a site should be prioritized using size, color, and spacing.


There are many different job titles for people who work on websites, and they often overlap. The two main types of website creation, though, are design and development. Design is the process of creating a website’s colors, layout, fonts and images. It can also include user interface design, which is the creation of the elements that a website’s users will interact with. This can include things like buttons, drop-down menus, and search fields.

Web designers Dundee use their graphic design skills to create website layouts that are visually appealing and easy to navigate. They may also create wireframes, which are a rough outline of how text and images will be placed on individual pages. They also use software tools such as Framer, Sketch, and Adobe Photoshop to bring their designs to life. In general, design work comes before development. This is because it’s much easier to make changes to a design than it is to change an already-coded website.

In addition to visual design, web designers are also responsible for ensuring that a site is functional and responsive across different devices. They must understand how their design will affect a website’s usability and speed, as well as its accessibility for people with disabilities. They also need to know how to optimize their designs for SEO (search engine optimization), which is essential for any business to have a successful online presence.

Website Design Dundee

The other main type of website creation is web development, which involves writing and coding the actual structure of a website. This is what makes a website functional and responsive across different platforms, such as desktop computers, mobile phones, and tablets. Web developers use a variety of programming languages and frameworks, including Java, Angular, PHP, and Ruby on Rails, to build the actual code that drives a website.

It is possible to find companies that specialize in both design and development, which can be a good option for those who need a full-service solution. However, it’s important to note that web design and development are two distinct processes, and that one person may not be able to handle both tasks at the same time.


Web design Dundee and development are two distinct processes, but they work in tandem to create websites that are both functional and appealing to consumers. Website development adds functionality through code, while web design focuses on aesthetics and user experience. Website design and development are essential in creating a website that is useful for your customers and leads to long-term customer relationships.

When it comes to designing a website, the first step is to understand your audience. This will help you identify their needs and what type of information they would like to see on your site. You can do this by conducting a survey or by asking current customers what they think of your company. The results of these surveys and interviews will be a good starting point for the design process.

A website designer will create the layout of your website, which includes elements such as headers, navigation menus, footers, content, and graphics. The layout should be easy to navigate and include clear call-to-action buttons. It should also be mobile-friendly. A website with a poorly designed layout can lead to high bounce rates, which means fewer visitors and less revenue.

Another important aspect of web design is the speed at which your site loads. This will determine whether or not a visitor will stay on your website and make a purchase. If your website is too slow, it will lose the interest of potential customers. This is why it’s important to hire a web developer who has experience in making sites load quickly.

Web developers use programming languages such as HTML and CSS to make the layout and visuals of a website. They are also responsible for ensuring that the site is functioning correctly and meets all technical requirements. Website designers, on the other hand, are well-versed in graphic design principles and use software such as Photoshop to create the design of a website.

Depending on your budget, you can choose between hiring a web designer or a developer. However, it is best to hire someone who is skilled in both fields because they can focus their attention on getting the details right. This will save you time and money in the long run.


Website testing is a critical step in the web development process, as it ensures that the final product meets the expected quality standards and user experience. This involves testing the website’s functionality, usability, and accessibility on multiple devices and browsers to ensure that the site is compatible with all users.

To make a website more user-friendly, it should be designed with responsive layouts that automatically adapt to different screen sizes. It should also be designed to be accessible by people with disabilities, including providing captions for video and audio content and alternative text for images. These practices are not only good for SEO, but they are also essential to making websites usable by everyone.

Web development and design is a complex and time-consuming process, but it is well worth the effort to produce a high-quality website that will appeal to customers and boost brand recognition. A poorly developed website can lead to lost business, so it is important to invest in the best possible design and functionality.

A visual designer is responsible for the aesthetics of a website design dundee, and they use a variety of software tools to create graphics and animations. They are a mix of UI and UX designers and work to solve design challenges to improve the user experience. They are also responsible for creating the layout of pages and ensuring that the site is easy to navigate.

Another important aspect of web design is the code, which is a set of instructions that tells the web browser how to display content. Web developers write this code in a programming language such as HTML, JavaScript, or PHP. They also use a database to store information about the website and its structure. They may also create back-end applications that interact with the database and servers.

To test the code, they can run a tool such as BitBar, which helps testers find bugs in their code quickly. This cloud-based real device lab lets users manually or automatically run tests across all popular browsers and mobile devices to find bugs that can affect the user experience. The tool allows them to track errors, compare results, and identify potential problems.


The website is a business’s first impression, so it is vital that it is well-maintained. It is a place where people can learn about your products or services, find contact information, and even purchase your goods. However, a poorly maintained website can turn potential customers away and harm your brand’s reputation. Website maintenance includes regular updates to content, performance optimization (speed), and SEO, all of which ensure that your site is functioning as it should.

Web designers are responsible for the visual aspect of your website. They use design software to create a layout and determine how content will be displayed on different browsers and devices. They also develop the style and aesthetic of your site through color scheme, graphic design, and font selection. They use visual hierarchy to prioritize aspects of your site’s design, such as size and letter spacing, to convey a message that is easy for visitors to understand.

Website developers take the designs created by web designers and code them into a functional website. They test the website’s functionality and compatibility across different browsers and devices, and they implement changes to improve its usability and search engine optimization. They may also update plugins to safeguard against security threats and make sure that all forms, navigation, and other interactive elements function properly.

While a minimum viable product is acceptable to launch a new site, it is important to think of your website as an ongoing project rather than a one-off project. This means shifting the mindset from project to product, implementing a process that focuses on managing change and setting expectations for your team.

There are many things that can go wrong with a website, but some of the most common issues include outdated content, broken links, and incorrect information. A visitor to your site is likely to leave if they encounter any of these issues, which can lead to lost sales and negative reviews. In addition, failing to update your website with relevant and informative content can result in a lower search engine ranking, which can hinder traffic growth and hurt your bottom line.